Products and Pubs

Products and Publications

Refereed  |  Editorial  |  Multimedia  |  Press  |  Websites

Refereed Papers

Caldwell, J., C. Wiener, M. Heckman, and J.D. Lemus (2015). Corals: The Essence of Fluorescence.  Current, The Journal of Marine Education 29(3):22-29

Weiner, C., Manset, G. and Lemus, J.D. (2015). Ocean Use in Hawaii as a Predictor of Marine Conservation Interests, Beliefs, and Willingness to Participate: An Exploratory Study Environmental Studies and Sciences. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences

Foster, J. and J. Lemus. (2015). Developing the critical thinking skills of astrobiology students through creative and scientific inquiry. Astrobiology 15(1):89-99.

Lemus, J.D., Seraphin, K.D., Coopersmith, A.C. (2014).  Integrating Culturally-Appropriate Pedagogy and Teaching Methods into a Science Communications Course.  Journal of Geoscience Education 62(1):5-10

Apple, J., J.D. Lemus, S. Semkin. (2014). Theme Issue: Teaching Geoscience In The Context Of Culture And Place.  Journal Of Geoscience Education 62(1):1-4.

 Lemus, J., C. Bishop, and H. Walters (2010). QuikSCience: Effective Linkage of Competitive, Cooperative, and Service Learning in Science Education. American Secondary Education 38(3): 40-61.

Kittinger, J.N., D.J. Skillings, K.K. Carvalho, L.L.N. Reeve, M. Hutchinson, J. O’Malley, K. Cullison, J. Shackeroff, M. Chow, and J. Lemus (Dec. 2009). Reconciling Ecosystem-Based Management and Focal Resource Conservation in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument.  Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-09-04. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Silver Spring, MD.

 Lemus, J. and L. Murray (2007).  Leveraging COSEE: Going Above and Beyond. Current: J. Marine Education 23(1): 32-33. Invited author.

Lemus, J. (2007).  Ocean Literacy.  Tidelines (Cabrillo Marine Aquarium).  Invited author.
 Doino Lemus, J. and M. McFall-Ngai (2000).  Alterations in the proteome of the Euprymna scolopes light organ in response to symbiotic Vibrio fischeri. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66: 4091-4097.

Visick, K.L., J. Foster, J. Doino, M. McFall-Ngai and E.G. Ruby (2000).  Vibrio fischeri lux genes play an important role in colonization and development of the host light organ.  J. Bacteriol. 182: 4578-4586.

Doino, J. and M. McFall-Ngai (1995).  A transient exposure to symbiosis-competent bacteria induces light organ morphogenesis in the host squid.  Biological Bulletin 189: 347-355.

Muscatine, L., D. Grossman and J. Doino (1991).  Release of symbiotic algae by tropical sea anemones and corals after cold shock.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 77: 233-243.


Lemus, J., Apple, J., Semkin, S., St. John, K. (2014). Theme Issue: Teaching Geoscience in the Context of Culture and Place.  Journal of Geoscience Education.

Toonen, R., Lemus, J., Selkoe, K., Halpern, B. (2011).  Special Issue: Toward Ecosystem Management of Pacific Islands.  Journal of Marine Biology 2011. Available online at

Lemus, J.  (Sp 2007). Editor. Smilodon.  Newsletter of the Southern California Academy of Sciences.

Lemus, J.  (W 2006). Editor. Smilodon.  Newsletter of the Southern California Academy of Sciences.

Lemus, J.  (Sp 2005). Editor. Smilodon.  Newsletter of the Southern California Academy of Sciences.

Lemus, J.D. and C. Cudaback, Eds. (2003). Executive Summary, Review Panel Report: Huntington Beach Phase III Final Draft Report. University of Southern California Sea Grant Program #USCSG-TR-02-2003.

Lemus, J.D. and S. Weisberg, Eds. (2000).  Huntington Beach Closure Investigation: Technical Review.  University of Southern California Sea Grant Program #USCSG-TR-01-2000.


Lemus, J.D. and M. Ano. (2013 & 2017) Loko I‘a. iPhone app.  Available from iTunes at

Lemus, J.D. (2015) Tracking the Tasman Sea’s Hidden Tide Research Cruise Log. Schmidt Ocean Institute Science Education Specialist and Author.

Lemus, J.D. (2006). Ocean Literacy Animated Movies. USC COSEE Program, Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies, and Division of Animation and Digital Arts. Animated shorts focused on ocean concepts and current research by USC ocean scientists. Features topics on: “Algal Blooms”, “Deep Ocean”, “DNA-PCR”, “Eels, Mangroves”, “Phytoplankton”, and “Sheep Head”.


Loko I’a iPhone App puts a Native Hawaiian fishpond in the palm of your hand.  Hawaii News Now, One Good Thing About Hawaii segment.   August 2, 2017.

What’s Current in Oceanography? Likable Science on ThinkTech Hawaii.  Featured guest on Likable Science online television show to talk about the T-TIDE research cruise to the Tasman Sea. March 6, 2015.

COSEE Island Earth.  Monthly radio program on marine science and education.
Hawaii’s Tomorrow Radio Show AM 760. May 2012 – ongoing.

Laulima A ‘Ike Pono: Internships at He‘eia Fishpond.  Honolulu Advertiser. May 4, 2006.

Adobe Solutions Case Study: Science and Art Converge at USC with Creative Suite 3 (featured faculty). 2006.

Scientists Hope to Size Up the Health of the Ocean in a Heartbeat. Los Angeles Times. October 19, 2003.

Global Heartbeat Science. KLCS TV Homework Hotline (featured scientist). February 2002.

Websites (creative designer)

seaHarmony Online Collaboration Network for Ocean Scientists and Educators.

Laulima A ‘Ike Pono –;

COSEE-West –

QuikSCience –

Edison Challenge –